Divine Service at Mount Calvary

We gather for Divine Service on Sundays (the day Jesus Christ was raised from the dead). Check our home page calendar for details.
We use both contemporary and traditional service styles. In traditional Divine Service, we use one of the liturgies in the Lutheran Service Book (LSB) Hymns sung during this service are usually selected from the LSB.
In contemporary Divine Service, we follow the traditional Lutheran structure of service, but often sing contemporary songs led by our praise band "Joyful Noise".
The Lutheran understanding of Sunday Divine Service is that God comes to us and serves us.
We use both contemporary and traditional service styles. In traditional Divine Service, we use one of the liturgies in the Lutheran Service Book (LSB) Hymns sung during this service are usually selected from the LSB.
In contemporary Divine Service, we follow the traditional Lutheran structure of service, but often sing contemporary songs led by our praise band "Joyful Noise".
The Lutheran understanding of Sunday Divine Service is that God comes to us and serves us.
- God blesses us with the forgiveness of sins during the Confession and Absolution.
- God blesses us by coming to us when His Word is read from Holy Scripture and when the Pastor preaches.
- God claims us in the sacrament of Holy Baptism
- God feeds us with Christ's body and blood in the sacrament of Holy Communion.
- God blesses us through the Aaronic blessing at the end of the service.